Tank refurbishment

Tank refurbishment keeps your tanks safe for longer
and is a low-cost alternative to replacement.

Over time, tanks can rust, or may become damaged. We can isolate these faults to get your tank up and running at the earliest convenience through our tank testing service.

We can then treat the faults with a range of additional services such as tank repairs, tank painting or foam-filling.

Specially trained operatives

Our specialist personnel are highly adept at carrying out this hazardous work.

Full safety assessment

We carry out a risk assessment ahead of any planned work.

Waste removal

We’ll take out all product or waste that remains in the tank after it’s been decommissioned.

Environmentally friendly

All work carried out is in line with the most up-to-date regulations and protocols to protect the environment.

Why choose us for your
Tank Refurbishment?

It’s essential you get your tank repaired as soon as you become aware of any fault as this can soon become an environmental hazard.

Our tank testing comes in various forms. We can conduct air pressure testing, thickness testing to determine the current state of affairs with your tank. Once we understand the fault we are dealing with, we will recommend the next course of action e.g. tank painting or relining.

If the tank has reached the end of its lifespan, we can foam-fill it, to absorb any noxious vapours, or remove it entirely.

Once we have treated the tank, we offer you a certificate advising of its safety.

Safe and reliable service

Product uplift and tank cleaning available

Sophisticated tools and methods for more complex removal

Environmentally-friendly disposal

What Our Customers Say...

